30th Anniversary Gala
First elected to Congress in 1992, Carolyn B. Maloney is a recognized national leader with extensive accomplishments on financial services, national security, the economy, Immigration and women’s issues.
Maloney has authored and passed more than 70 measures, either as stand-alone bills or as measures incorporated into larger legislation packages. Ten of these bills were signed into law at formal (and rare) Presidential Signing Ceremonies.
Rep. Maloney’s career has been a series of firsts. She is the first woman to represent New York’s 12th Congressional District; the first woman to represent New York City’s 7th Councilmanic district (where she was the first woman to give birth while in office).
As a senior member of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Maloney’s legislation has helped the government work more efficiently and has saved hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars.
The Congresswoman is a strong proponent of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. She was an original co-sponsor of the ‘Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act’. In 2010 Congresswoman Maloney voted for the DREAM Act, intended to establish a path to citizenship for Dreamers. She also cosponsored the ‘Reuniting Families Act’, which would help immediate relatives of US Citizens.
A champion for domestic and international women’s issues, Rep. Maloney has authored and helped pass legislation that targets sex trafficking, including the first bill that focused on the ‘demand’ side of human trafficking to punish the perpetrators of these heinous crimes. She is co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on Human Trafficking, and co-chair of the Trafficking Task Force of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues.
New York City has no stronger advocate in Congress than Maloney. She has delivered more than $10 billion in federal aid to New York City, including billions of dollars for the two largest transit construction projects in the nation, the Second Avenue Subway and the East Side Access project, both of which run through her district. She has secured federal funding for: $670 million for replacing the Kosciuszko Bridge, $37.9 million for the Floating Hospital, $4.4 million for new ferries, $20 million for Dutch Kills Green, $27 million for Queensbridge roof repairs, and more than $300 million for high-speed rail improvement projects in the Sunnyside Rail Yards.
Rep. Maloney has been recognized not only by her peers in Congress but also by outside groups for her ability to elicit change. GovTrack awarded her the top spot among House Democrats in their “Leadership Score” category – indicating her great ability to get cosponsors on her bills.
Maloney is currently a member of Women’s Forum Inc., the Council on Foreign Relations, Women’s City Club, Alice Paul Institute, Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy, Financial Women’s Association, National Organization for Women, National Association of Business and Professional Women, New York Landmarks Conservancy, and CIVITAS.
She is the founder and Chair of the House Caucus on Hellenic Issues.
Maloney attained a first-degree black belt in Taekwondo in January 2007. Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney is a national leader with extensive accomplishments on security, financial services, the economy and women’s issues. She also has been a force representing the interests of the City of New York in Congress from the time she entered, in 1993.