November 13, 2019
Queens Gazette
Queens Gazette
Immigration Advocacy Services recently celebrated its 30th anniversary at Riccardo’s by the Bridge (21-01 24th Avenue, Astoria). The evening’s honorees included Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney; NYS Assemblywoman Aravella Simotas…

July 2, 2018
Astoria Characters / Author: Nancy Ruhling
Astoria Characters / Author: Nancy Ruhling
These days, Eddie Indellicati is playing a lot of solitaire. He sits at his computer in the living room of his apartment and silently moves the cards from one pile to another, trying to take his mind off his wife, Li Hong. Lili, as he affectionately calls her, is…

10/04/2016 05:04 am ET
HuffPost / Author: Nancy Ruhling
HuffPost / Author: Nancy Ruhling
“This is not a large number when you consider the number of immigrants in this country, he says. But it’s huge to the people we are working with.”

November 20, 2015
BC News Service / Author: Ahaqir Ashaq
BC News Service / Author: Ahaqir Ashaq
“The National Ethic Coalition of Organizations, known as NECO, teamed up with the Immigration Advocacy Services and the New York Immigration Coalition to honor the new Americans at a pre-Thanksgiving dinner to honor the newest Americans, the first of its kind.

The directory features the members of my Queens Immigration Task Force, a network of reputable social service providers and government agencies committed to promoting immigrant integration in Queens and New York City…

March 18, 2014
Give Me Astoria / Author: Ilija Sekulovski
Give Me Astoria / Author: Ilija Sekulovski
Immigration Advocacy Services was founded 25 years ago , and in less than three decades they’ve helped more than 40,000 immigrants from over 122 countries pursue citizenship, green cards, sponsorship and much more.

Monday, January 21, 2013 / 10:35 AM
QNS / Author: QNS Staff
QNS / Author: QNS Staff
Numbers are hard to come by, but the signs of a Greek surge in Astoria are everywhere: Enrollment numbers are up at the local Greek-American elementary school. Greek restaurants are flooded with job applications.

November 8, 2011
Wall Street Journal / Author: Saabira Chaudhuri
Wall Street Journal / Author: Saabira Chaudhuri
“Greek-Americans and their children began moving out of Astoria decades ago, abandoning the Queens neighborhood that once boasted the world’s largest population of Hellenic immigrants for the suburbs or their homeland.” – Debra Gilmore, Director of IAS